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post code 84084 Fisciano (SA) - ITALY

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Antonio Pietrosanto


Chairman     apietrosanto@unisa.it                                                                                                    Full Professor of Electrical and Electronic Measurement at University of Salerno since 2001. IEEE Member, his main scientific activities relate to the development of sensors, wireless interfaces, image and video based measurement systems, real-time measurement systemss. Author of more than 140 scientific works issued on national and international transactions and congress acts.




Alfonso Attianese


Technical  Director          tech@springoff.it                                                                             Graduated in Electronic Engineering (2006) at University of Salerno. Main research activities relate to the design and metrological characterization of sensor and actuators, development of real-time measurement systems based on micro-controller and DSP.




Rosario Anchini


R&D Engineer     rd@springoff.it                                                                                                                               Graduated in Electronic Engineering (2003) and PhD in Information Engineering (2007) at University of Salerno. Main research activities relate to the modeling and simulation of dynamic systems, development and characterization of concatless measurement systems.




Paolo Sommella

Sales Engineer    sales@springoff.it                                                                                                                              Graduated in Electronic Engineering (2004) and PhD in Information Engineering (2008) at University of Salerno. Main research activities relate to the application of Artificial Intelligence techniques for IFDIA (Instrument Fault Detection Isolation and Accomodation) and the development of testing methods for measurement system software.